Praesidia Alliance التطبيقات

Systems Control 1.6
Praesidia Alliance
OverviewSystems Control is a multi purpose SMS command application thatmay be used to control devices such as alarm systems, gate openers,home automation devices, IT equipment and M2M signal activities.Many different manufacturers provide for remote control via SMS,and there are any number of mobile device applications available tocontrol specific brands. Our goal with this application is toprovide an easy to use multi purpose command tool that may beprogrammed to issue up to six different commands out to up to 10different devices - no matter the brand or model of the device tobe controlled.Systems Control has also been designed for international use.Device names and command strings may be entered in any language,activity control selection is by way of icon click. Designedprimarily for security companies and their alarm clients, theapplication may also be used by IT technicians for router andswitching control where required, as well as Geo Location serviceproviders for programming and instructional commands out to gpstracking units.If a device can be programmed and/or controlled by SMS thenSystems Control can issue the required commands.Communications abilityNot all users require control ability just from a mobile phone,in some cases users may also wish to remote control their systemsvia an android tablet that does not have a GSM connection. SystemsControl issues commands via standard SMS using the GSM service ofthe handset, or via WiFi data connection and using a Clickatell SMSaccount.Users may arrange their own Clickatell (Developers Central, HTTPAPI) account, or companies providing Systems Control to theirclients may choose to provide Clickatell sending access as part ofan ongoing service plan or as an inclusion in a customer loyaltyprogram.General Set UpOnce installed, enter details of the device/s you wish tocontrol. Click on the settings icon and then select the next unuseddevice line (ten available) to enter your own descriptive name ofthe system or device, and under that enter up to six differentcommands that may be issued. Refer to the panel user guide orequipment manual concerned to determine what you need to enter inthe command line.If you have been provided Systems Control by your securitycompany or other provider they will advise you the details toenter, or in some cases they may provide you the fully programmedapplication "ready to go"The check box beside each different command allows one or more"command buttons" on the same line in the device action on the Help icon to see examples.Advanced FeaturesTo set up further features of Systems Control, such as serviceprovider name and telephone number on screen with Click to Callbutton, or PIN access control to the application, or Clickatellaccount details, click on the settings icon and then select the subsettings icon above the ten device line buttons.* if you set PIN access control and forget your PIN you willneed to re install the application, and all device details* be sure to tick Data check box if using Clickatell accountserviceGeneral UseSystems Control is designed to be easy to use, programming andoperation is intuitive so please take a few minutes after you firstinstall the application to get to know the functions available.The most used commands are -ARM - turn onDISARM - turn offSTATUS REPORT - the state (on or off) and condition (any indicatedfaults) of your systemPersonal SafetyThis application is not designed to receive activation alertsabout alarm events, we recommend against "self monitoring" ofsecurity systems, it may not be safe to attend incidents yourself(especially if offenders are on site) In reality, you will notalways be available or able to attend anyway. We suggest you use analarm monitoring/response company in conjunction with SystemsControl.
Handys Security 1.4
Praesidia Alliance
The Handy's Security version of SystemsControlis a specific useapplication designed by Praesidia Alliance International for usebyclientsof Handy's Security Systems, Cyprus. Full details ofthisapplication areavailable from www.handysecurity.comPlease Do Not Download this application unless usingsystemsprovided byHandy's Security Systems, this application is passwordlocked,passwordsare only available from Handy's Security Systems
PAtour 1.0
Praesidia Alliance
PAtour™ BLE Beacon Guard Tour System for Security &MaintenancePersonnel PAtour provides real-time logging* of physicalpresenceand inspection tours conducted by guards / cleaners /grounds &maintenance staff / in fact any personnel activitythat requires arecord of presence at any particular point or in anyparticulararea. * by Praesidia Alliance alarm monitoring stations,or by useof a dedicated cloud server provided by Praesidia Alliancefor yourorganisation's sole use Overview Small, long life batteryoperated,electronic devices known as BLE Beacons are installed atstrategicpoints around your building, grounds, even in yourvehicles. Thesebeacons broadcast a continuous, 24 hours a day,specially codedBluetooth Low Energy (BLE) message - tour personneluse a smartphone or phablet with installed PAtour app toautomatically receive(and transmit to the monitoring station)specific details broadcastby each individual beacon as users goabout their inspection tours.As tour personnel conduct theirinspections the PAtour app listensfor beacons; when the user comeswithin range of a beacon the appsends a specific message to themonitoring centre based on thecontent being broadcast by thatparticular beacon e.g. User ### hasentered Area ##. When the usergoes out of range of that beacon theapp again sends a specificmessage to the monitoring centre, thistime logging that User ###has exited Area ##. The broadcast rangeof beacons may be adjustedto suit client requirements, if there'sa need to log presence neara particular door the nearby beaconwould be set to just a fewmetres range, if the need is to logpresence all along the side of abuilding then the beacon for thatarea would be set for up to 30metres range. Longer range beaconsare available, for example 100mrange to log presence during fenceline inspections. One of the bestfeatures of PAtour is that usersdo not have to handle their mobiledevice in order for the systemto operate, smart phones may stay onthe users belt or in theirpocket, phablet may stay in its carrybag. This enables users toconcentrate on the real task, inspectionof the point or areaconcerned. (without the distraction of takingout their mobiledevice and looking for a button or tag to touch)This feature alsomeans a reduction in the risk of damaged mobiledevices from drops.Users have live notification that the system isoperating as theygo about their tour - when entering a beacon areatheir mobiledevice vibrates and sounds a triple beep, when exitinga beaconarea their mobile device vibrates and sounds a doublebeep.Operational Simplicity for the user - When starting a dutyshiftthe user clicks on Commence Tour, the button displays On Tourand avoice message confirms status. During the course of the shifttheuser does not need to remove their phone from belt orpocket,PAtour automatically handles activity logging &reporting ofarea presence by processing beacon broadcast signals asthe userprogresses through locations. At end of shift the userselects TourCompleted, PAtour logs off. for the deployingorganisation -Emailed daily activity reports are issued by themonitoringstation, basic details include user shift start andfinish times,timing of presence at locations / areas and by whichuser.Additional details may include areas not visited, failed checkins,user device events such as bluetooth and data connectionfaults.Economical Deployment A typical PAtour system comprisesbeaconsmounted at various points in single or at multiplelocations, usermobile devices with installed PAtour app, and amonitoring stationto process, and action as necessary, signals sentfrom userdevices. For detailed information and FAQ's visit thePAtour website
Praesidia Alliance - PA Alerti 1.0
Praesidia Alliance
PA Alerting, priority sms security alerts (Praesidia Allianceclientuse only)